#1034: New Efficient Solutions for Distribution Powerline Extraction and Utility Pole Survey


Looking to expand your LiDAR application areas utilizing TopoDOT? Consider Electric and Power Corridors for Transmission, Distribution and Substations. The Electrical Grid is one of the largest machines on earth. There’s a lot of stuff out there! This is a quick list of what you can extract with TopoDOT, which includes:

  • Towers and Poles
  • Wires and Attachments
  • Clearances
  • Real-estate, on or between the Power & Communication Space
  • Encroachments and more

Distribution lines are complex - requiring more detailed information - which makes Mobile LiDAR and TopoDOT the ideal solution. With this new approach you can:

  • Extract what’s needed, much faster than the traditional methods.
  • Vectorize poles, wires and attachment points, with a few simple steps; leaving you with a light-weight ‘geolocated’ deliverable.
  • Reduce data-collection (per pole) down to a few seconds.
  • Extract 300+ utility poles per day instead of just 30.
  • Reduce file sizes and become more compatible with other platforms

Watch the webinar where we show you this new, well defined and user-friendly workflow as well as other tools that supplement the extraction process depending on your deliverable needs.

PowerPoint Available Here

Watch it here!

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